Cheap But Not Cheap Guitars

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Fullerton ST3 Standard Strat-Style Guitar

Stratocaster On-The-Cheap! (But In A Good Way)

This is a great story that goes back about a year or so. I was doing my usual late-night surfing of all the cool guitar sites when I came across a blog that said that they were blowing out the Fullerton line of guitars on Music123. The posting said that they were selling the ST3 at only $69.95! Great, says me, so I load one up in the shopping cart and hit the check out button. It was only after I entered all of my billing/shipping info and hit the submit button (I was half-watching basketball too) that I noticed that the price in the cart was only $49.95 for the guitar! WHOO-HOO!!! This is by far the cheapest playable guitar I have run across to date.

Well, I have to admit that the price sort of set my expectations for the fit/finish and performance of the guitar. It arrived pretty quickly actually; only took about four days. It was packaged well and arrived in perfect condition; no dings or scratches; the guitar looked just gorgeous out of the box. The ST3 is Fullerton’s attempt at the classic Fender Stratocaster guitar, but without the pick guard. It has the standard S/S/S (single coil) pickup configuration, with a basswood body and rosewood fingerboard. The banana-shaped headstock has the look of the old Kramers from back in the 80’s.

The “get-what-you-pay-for” alarms started going off when I ran my hand along the edges of the neck. All of the frets were sharp and unfinished. The neck also had an “unfinished” feel to it; it was almost as if the final clear coat was not applied. The guitar was simply not playable by me in this state.

What I needed was a way to get this neck finished! Remember, the price of the guitar alone made taking it to a trained luthier out of the question; if I damaged the guitar beyond repair, oh well, it was only 50 bucks. So, being the SEO wizard that I am, I scoured Google looking for tutorials on how to do this myself. I found a great resource on how to file down guitar frets and went right to work on the neck of my new little Stratocaster copy.

While it took me a couple of nights of detailed filing and finishing, I deem it all worthwhile. The guitar plays like a dream! There are no buzzes or intonation problems. The neck feels now feels just fine, making my $50 investment totally worth it! I play surf tunes from The Ventures, The Dillengers and other surf bands on this guitar; with my Roland Cube 30, I am able to get some nice tone and great reverb. I am also able to get some nice blues bends and turnarounds out of this one. I LOVE this Fullerton Guitar! Therefore, I totally approve this guitar for entry into the Cheap But Not “Cheap” Guitars lineup.

PLEASE NOTE: My experience is totally not exemplary of the other feedback I have seen on the web for this guitar; overall feedback was mostly positive.

More Fullerton Guitar Reviews from Harmony Central

Music from The Ventures

Music from The Dillengers


Anonymous said...

I've played this particular guitar and can personally vouch for its playability after Mr. t2fsu "finished " it off. He literally turned a half-a-benjamin guitar into a not-so-cheap sounding Strat copy.

I know I've said this before t, but...nice work!


t2fsu1 said...

Thanks Dude! I really love this cheap guitar...Hope the folks at Fullerton start up a whole new round of production so these can be widely available soon!

Jeremy McKinnon said...

Nah, That was made by Aria, subdivision of Matsumoku.
It was a series.

But thanks for the awesome reviews!
I hope you are planning to review more!

Mr Awesome